Sunday, May 11, 2008

Maddux and 350

We're all frustrated with our recent play, and I'm sure we'll spend plenty of time in this space talking about it. However, for this morning let's take a minute to savor last night's victory (after all, it's Mother's Day) and think about 350 wins... 350 wins... three hundred fifty!!!

I can't think of a good way to put this in perspective. 20 years of 17.5 wins? That doesn't seem to do it justice. As many as Smoltz and Hudson combined? Nope. Maybe this will help - when Maddux passes Clemens (354), the only pitcher with more wins who pitched in a game after 1930 was Warren Spahn (363). So forget about Cy Young or Walter Johnson, Maddux and Spahn will likely be the all-time wins leaders in the last 80 years.

This is almost as hard to fathom as his record 17 Gold Gloves.


Steve Adler said...

Greg! Your the man, thanks for coming to SD. Your a class act.

I'm sure his impact on the younger guys is priceless and we (SD) would love the have a true professional around our city for many years in any capacity.

Paul DePodesta said...

Sorry everyone - there were a few comments that were inadvertently deleted. One involved a question regarding the importance of CF defense in Petco. That is something I'll address (along with how we like to break in starting pitchers) in the Petco post(s) coming this week.

D4P said...

Paul - Just wanted to apologize on behalf of Dodger fans everywhere for the way you were treated and your premature dismissal. I hope someday we'll get to hear your side of the story, though I suspect you're not allowed to talk about it.

Anyway, good luck making your way back to a GM position someday. You deserve it.

Unknown said...

History is going to be wonderfully kind to Maddux. Cerebral, not a jerk and no sniff of controversy.

Paul, the Padres need a real center fielder and to some how get to the transition away from Hoffman. It's always so hard to do.

Unknown said...

whats with Peavy saying it sucks that Greg has to spend his last year here? Its early May! Do you think the players have given up?

Scott Lininger said...


I've read the comments by Pads management against bring Headly up (with the team in it's current tailspin he'd feel too much pressure to perform).

Is there ever and ideal time to bring a young player up - one that's free from pressure, self-induced or otherwise. Isn't that what Buddy is there to manage? Seems like he could help him understand his role and keep him from pressing too hard.

Also, did Kenny Lofton piss in the Friar's cornflakes? Wouldn't he be a relative cheap short term fix in the outfield? Even at 63 or whatever age he is, he'd be the fastest Padre. Still, I never hear his name mentioned.

Anonymous said...

Every team needs a wise "wily" veteran in their pitching staff. One who out-thinks his opponent, rather than try to strikeout every hitter.

RJ said...

Greg is one of my all-time favorite players, I can only hope he doesn't go through with retirement following this season.

Also this is great progressive thinking by the Pads/yourself Paul, not a surprise I suppose.

AG said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bullpeners said...

Lots of changes the last 3 days. Obviously the FO was not any happier than we were with the play on the field. Today was a big improvement! Great baserunning, timely hitting and a runner thrown out. Much better all the way around. Hope we can win some games on the road. Would love to get those wins to put Maddog ahead of Clemens. Luke had a great weekend. Please review the decision making regarding the moves, if you can. Thanks!

ASMR Review said...

Meh, Gold Gloves are a popularity contest that unfortunately only has little to do with fielding prowess. They are the Grammys of the baseball award season.

Steve Adler said...

Ouch! That CF post was mine! LOL

However, I did want to ask. If I was interested in working within the organization in some type of capacity, how would I go about doing so?? I realize it's a bit off the subject, but since you axed my post, I figured you owed me one!


Underbruin said...

Paul - Going to echo d4p's sentiment (a few of us have been sent over from Dodger Thoughts) that you got a rather raw treatment. I can't, of course, wish you -too- much luck, but I think it's really great that you and your organization have taken a step like this to reach out to the fans.

With that said, a question about Maddux. Much has been made of his ability to help tutor younger pitchers (an oft-quoted article recently suggested that Brad Penny actually asked Maddux to 'call' one of his games two seasons ago, he had so much respect for Greg). How much of a difference do you really think it can make, having an experienced veteran - particularly one as intellectual as Maddux - tutor the younger players on the pitching staff? Even when the players are significantly different, such as Chris Young and his 6'10" frame and nearly K/inning ability?

Thanks, and good luck with the blogging!

axion said...

Maddux, now there's a guy who's blog I'd like to read. ;)

Paul DePodesta said...

I have to say that I'm blown away by the comments so far. First of all, there are a slew of great questions, and I'll do my best to get to them in a somewhat systematic way. If you feel that your question hasn't been answered over the course of some time, don't be afraid to remind me. Many of them will end up becoming the subject of future posts.

Additionally, I promise to always read all of the comments, both supportive and critical. However, I have chosen not to publish some that, quite frankly, have been very nice regarding my career. The reason I have chosen not to publish those is that this blog really isn't supposed to be about me, it's about the Padres and baseball in general (and I may mix in a few tidbits about my kids - a father can't resist). For those of you wrote those posts, though, my sincere thanks. I hope you understand why I've chosen not to publish them. I wish there were a way I could write you back directly but I haven't figured out that functionality yet (anyone familiar with blogger, feel free to point me in the right direction). I guess I've been exposed - I'm not that computer savvy after all. :-)

Your Padres said...

Scott I got to say I agree with ya. Bring Headley up asap ...

We are only nice games out in early May. I refuse to believe that is an unsurmountable lead. At worst we will be in the wild card hunt.

over the last 10 games..
the Friars are 3-7 ..
the Babybacks are 3-7 ..

and the Dodgers just lost four in a row.

Its early May people, and I am reading forums and blogs calling for a fire sale ...


lets get Headley up here asap .. lets quit trading for 34 year old minor league relievers, and right this ship.

This isn't New York, Philly or Chicago. There is no "Pressure" on Chase.

Its San Diego for christ sakes. The only pressure we have here is deciding between a grande or a venti.

Bring up Chase!


Chris said...

Thanks for blogging! If the Padres can get 3 Mickey Mantle types (pre-injury) for the OF they should be OK.

The only way to respond directly is to click on the name and then if they have an e-mail address listed, write back to them.

Charlie Widdoes said...

d4p i'm with you, and i want to take personal responsibility for jumping on the bandwagon, i had no idea what i was talking about. i look forward to keeping up with this blog despite being a dodgers fan.

Daniel said...


Can you give us your opinion on the Bonds situation and the "collusion" argument. While I don't really think that there is any collusion going on - I am curious why some team that has nothing to lose hasn't offered him a league minimum contract. Have the Padres considered this?

Anonymous said...

lets give a shout out to paul d for having the kishkas to come to the public and share his views. this is a guy you want running the country!

Bogart said...


Congrats to Maddog and thanks for the years of entertaining baseball!

Ryan A. Restivo said...

Great job on the blog I have an interesting question. We have seen a lot of players in the last few years be Designated For Assignment and you just got Sean Henn. I'd like to know what goes into all those evaluations as you see a few guys either get unclaimed or accept assignments ('former' all star closer Derrick Turnbow went to AAA last week and a guy who was once impressive LHP Gustavo Chacin)... Of course this goes on the list of questions but hopefully we will hear your insight on it when you can.

Rob said...

Paul - Thanks for starting this forum.

I really wish the Padres could find away to make a CoCo Crisp deal work.

I know they probably are going to want Headley down in AAA, however if you can lock up Crisp for a 3 or 5 year deal you have arguably the 2nd or 3rd best defensive center fielders in the game.

Speed... is what this team needs!

We could have a legitimate lead off .. Giles could hit in the 3 hole..

PetCo is huge I truly believe the Padres will be better with a proven Crisp than a unproven Headley.


Rob C

OptionsTrader said...

I'm a Yankee fan, but also like the Pads from when I lived in La Jolla. Last year San Diego tried to get Igawa when he was put on waivers. I assume the idea was with your bigger ballpark, since he pitches up, he'd have much better success. Do the Padres still have interest in him? He clearly has not worked out in New York...

Unknown said...

Curious about what the thinking was in acquiring Edmonds. I would have thought that a move along the lines of acquiring Kouz would have made more sense. Trade for a young centerfield prospect who has proven it at the AAA level but that is blocked by established players at the MLB level (for instance the outfield crowd the Angels have). I think fans have more patience/excitment with allowing a young player with upside to develop (like Kouz, Barfield and Greene previously) than we do with signing players in the twilight of their career.

Pelican Throat said...

Thanks for opening this dialogue and making yourself accessible to he fans.
The Padres seem to be in a state of flux at the moment, as the current roster was built to contend, but even the most myopic of us will have to admit that leapfrogging the NL West is unlikely. And while the farm system is on the mend, it still has not produced the top-tier talent when compared with other teams in the division. From the outside, it certainly would seem that this year should be used as an opportunity to reload. The roster does not need to be "blown up", but high turnover would appear necessary in order to compete in the near future.
In addition, I would be very interested in hearing your opinion relative to the draft philosophy currently in place. It seems as if the club sticks to a certain profile (for the most part) of polished, steady players with a track record of success at the collegiate level. Which of course is fine and well, although it seems as if the club consciously steers away from the five-tool athletes that litter other MLB rosters (Arizona, for one). It would seem that as talented as the current front office is at acquiring extra draft picks it would make sense to distribute those choices evenly among steady contributors and some more athletically gifted prospects. If our current roster shows us anything it is that we are severely lacking in top-end athletes, which are even more crucial in our home ballpark. Perhaps the newly completed Dominican facility will bring in some game-changing talent.
Thanks again for making yourself available, I would very much like to hear your thoughts on these issues.